A friend of mine who lives in an upmarket Pune apartment thought she was safe. But little did she know that the junior plumber apprenticing under the head plumber in her society was actually a thief. But there was one difference – she happened to be a journalist, and as she was habituated to observing things, she observed him. The boy had dressed too flamboyantly for work. She noticed an expensive watch on his hand. Not that a plumber can’t own an expensive watch, but it was quite unsuitable to wear it on a plumbing job! She also noticed that he had used a bit too much of cologne, a cologne familiar to her because her father used it too. Still, she did not think something was fishy, because he was a guy who was supposedly approved to work in her apartment.
She invested in a well-known brand’s security system for home, including an electronic safe that is password-protected. Home security systems in India are on par with the best security systems in the world.
Godrej Security Systems now makes her feel safe and secure in her home. You should check them out too.